From time-to-time Mangawhai Matters investigates issues that are important to our community and environment. We also seek the opinions of residents and visitors about the things that matter.
You can read about them and access any reports or submissions here.
District Council is reviewing its district plan. This is taking place during a period of increasing central government instruction about how local resource management matters should be handled locally through the issue of National Policy Statements. This is challenging for council planners.
However, the Mangawhai Matters submission on the Draft District Plan seeks to ensure local circumstances and settings are not overlooked. It seeks a more measured approach to growth than suggested in the early Exposure Draft issued by the Council. This is in recognition of the sensitivity of
our coastal environment and harbour catchment, defined by the Brynderwyns in the north and distinctive ridge lines in the west and south, and resource and infrastructure limits on urbanisation.
Proposed Plan Change 83 seeks to advance the suggestion in Mangawhai’s Spatial Plan that the area west of Mangawhai Heads Road west and north of Cove Road provides for long-term urban development. It seeks an increase in residential densities and proposes a broad precinct plan for the northern portion of the site.
Mangawhai Matters submits that the proposed density, amended residential provisions, and the partial nature of the precinct plan do not provide for the integrated development appropriate for this location.
Harbour and its protective spit support biodiversity, recreation, economic activity, and cultural, community, and personal well-being. When considering how we might best manage the harbour, all the services it provides need to be considered.
The Sustainable Mangawhai Project aims to assess the physical risks to the integrity of the harbour and distal spit and the consequences for the environment and community of any damage to them. The objective is to provide a comprehensive information base so that the agencies responsible for managing the harbour can cooperate in the preparation and implementation of harbour management guidelines.
Representation Review 2021
Our submissions are available here.
Mangawhai Matters made a submission and representations to the Kaipara Council review of representation arguing for an additional elected representative for the Mangawhai-Kaiwaka ward based on the rate of growth of Mangawhai. Our submission sought an extra councillor dealt with the demographics and growth of the district’s wards.
Under instruction from the Environment Court, MMI and others) negotiated a shift to residential densities more in keeping with the character of Mangawhai and provisions to ensure plans and funding for infrastructure are in place prior to subdivision.
Mangawhai Central, 2022
Mangawhai Matters objected to the decision by Kaipara District Council to approve a Plan Change altering provisions for development adjacent Molesworth Drive and the northwestern reach of Mangawhai Harbour from provision for up to 500 residences (Estuary Estate) to potentially more than 1,500 based on a much greater density of development (Mangawhai Central).
The objection was based on the change in character relative to the settlement as a whole; the capacity to provide water reticulation and wastewater disposal, and stormwater issues; and inadequate recognition of and funding to meet infrastructure costs.
Mangawhai Values Survey
In 2021, Mangawhai Matters conducted a short survey (mainly at the Saturday markets) to establish what visitors and residents most value about Mangawhai. This established the critical role the harbour plays in Mangawhai’s identity and the identity of its community.